Friday, October 3, 2008

Language and Narratives

While watching a British TV channel or may be an African wildlife documentary , we realize that even though the people are speaking the same language i.e. English, but there is something more to it. Sometimes we are unable to understand what a Program host is saying, and even if sometimes we do understand the meaning of words said, we are still not able to understand why person is saying a word in a specific way. Most of the times when a word is said differently or in a different pitch it can be concluded into many different meanings. For instance take the word "Healthy", now if someone in India is saying this word for someone, he probably means that this other person is too fat, why? because in their culture people don't get enough food to survive, and in this case someone is getting sufficient food for their bodies, they will be considered healthy. Africa and poor countries would fall in the same category.

Now if we look at people from US, we would realize that people who don't have much fats on their body is considered healthy, why? Because the standard of being healthy are different here.

So the point comes down to that it all depends how the languages are understood in different regions of the countries.

And to make things easier and consistent Companies are using standardizes languages like English, Spanish etc.

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