Saturday, September 6, 2008

Business Ethics: Does it Exist?

Business Ethics:

Now a day we hear this term a lot, “Business Ethics”. That the companies should follow Business Ethics in their dealings. Now the question arises that does this thing actually exists in reality or not? If yes then who make the standards that this thing is ethical and this is not? Above all who in the organization keeps track of it that all the dealings/operations taking place in the organization are ethical or not?

Theoretically yes. Business Ethics does exist but most of the time it’s the CEO’s of the company who decide whats ethical for their company and what not. Currently there are many well known companies who hire people with no immigration status. Just because they make their business grow and bring them dollars; they don’t care about the ethics. All what matters to them is the profit of the company.

So in my opinion, Business Ethics is there but organizations themselves define the boundaries of being ethical according to the percentage of their profits.

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