Saturday, August 30, 2008

Organizational Communication

First thought that comes to our minds when thinking about Organizational Communication is how people interact within an organization. But the reality is a bit broader. An organizations success relies on how efficiently its people are able to communicate with each other and deliver the message across so that the tasks are not misunderstood and done inefficiently. Organizational communication also plays a great role in building bridges between the outer world and the company itself. Bringing more business by communicating with the clients and customers is one of the key aspect of earning the business.

Another aspect of Organizational Communication is satisfying human relationships. That how good a person feels at a work place and how it affects its working skills. Many people hate to go to work place just because of the way how people communicate with them or make them feel depressed.

Things affecting organizational communication:

There are few things that analysts have noticed that could affect the production of an organization:

1- Differences in Background
2- Levels of Communication

Hopefully we will discuss these aspects in a little more details as we move further.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My first blog. I will be posting here very soon.